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Convert Your Home To Propane!

Running your home on propane-powered appliances has some very significant advantages, from availability to efficiency to savings, and much more.


Benefits of Converting to Propane:

No Gas Lines? No Problem!

Propane is a self-contained fuel source, so it can be used independently of natural gas lines. Some appliances can also operate without electricity, ensuring you can run your home even if there’s no power grid in your area or if there’s a temporary power outage.

Cleaner and Greener

Propane is an eco-friendly fuel that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, its clean-burning nature is gentler on engines, leading to less maintenance and extended longevity.

Huge Savings

Propane is frequently less expensive than electricity, and its price stability means more predictable energy bills.

How does propane compare to other energy sources?

Propane can power nearly any appliance in your home while consuming less energy, emitting fewer pollutants, and delivering more power than natural gas, fuel oil, and electricity. Whether you’ve used natural gas, oil heat, electricity, or a combination of these in the past, propane offers an effective, efficient, and eco-friendly alternative. It can help you save money, lower your carbon footprint, and better manage your energy consumption.

What Can I Run On Propane?

  • Boilers
  • Space Heaters
  • Furnaces
  • Indoor Fireplaces
  • Outdoor Fireplaces
  • Hot Water Heaters
  • Stoves & Ranges
  • Clothes Dryers
  • Outdoor Kitchen
  • Patio Heaters
  • Firepits
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • Pool Heaters
  • Hot Tubs

Unlock More Power by Switching to Propane

In certain situations, particularly in rural or developing areas, propane may be the only fuel source available due to the absence of natural gas lines and electric grids in remote locations. However, propane is more than just a backup option. Even if you have access to natural gas and electricity, switching to propane for home heating, cooking appliances, or clothes dryers can enhance the performance and lifespan of your appliances—and making the switch is simple!

Propane Pricing Guidelines

Install kits include stone base rock, concrete pavers or cast pads, regulator, pigtail and fittings as needed.

Schedule an Estimate