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Get up to $15,000 in mail-in rebates with a new heating & cooling system today!

“These guys were great! Just had a new heat pump installed, replacing a 40yr old AC unit. Excellent communication and very helpful with all the different options and understanding how it works. Great price and the installers were clean, friendly, and efficient. Would definitely recommend.”

– Joe Kubisek

Make the switch to propane, a cleaner and safer alternative to natural gas.

We make it easy with flat rate pricing and quick delivery and installation.

Save 10% off your next service visit* by becoming an Omni Service Member!

Not only will you get 10% off repairs, you’ll also receive 10% off new installs, 50% off diagnostic charges, priority scheduling AND a free annual preventative maintenance for your heating and cooling system(s) ensuring your units are running at peak performance.

Residential and Commercial Heating and Cooling Services

Omni Mechanical Services is a locally owned and operated HVAC company that has been providing residential and commercial heating, cooling and ventilation services to the entire state of Connecticut since 2018. Our team has more than 20 years of experience in the heating and cooling industry, and we’ve set out to provide unparalleled customer service and superior products to our customers. We are authorized dealers of innovative technology from the biggest names in HVAC equipment and honor all warranties that come with these products. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

About Us
heat pump

Choose HVAC Products From the Best Manufacturers

In the HVAC industry, there are many different manufacturers of reliable quality built products. However, our team has partnered with select companies that offer residential and commercial customers the biggest benefits when it comes to quality, energy efficiency, and superior technology. Whether you’re shopping for heating, cooling, or water heater technology, we can help narrow your search to find equipment that is the right size and falls within your budget. For complete peace of mind, we honor all manufacturer warranties that come with your appliance.

We work with:


& more!

Schedule Your Estimate Today

If you need a new boiler, higher efficiency furnace, central air or ductless mini split system, a tankless water heater, heat pump, etc. you’ve come to the right place. At Omni Mechanical, our team of professional comfort consultants will go above and beyond to ensure you choose the best HVAC product to meet your needs and budget. We’re dedicated to offering home and business owners services they can count on throughout Connecticut. Our team will take the time to answer any questions you have about finding the right equipment for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

Contact Us

51 Edwin Road
South Windsor, CT 06074



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
